Saturday, January 12, 2008

It all began

I have sewed most of my adult life, you know cute little dresses for the girls when they were little, a few creative outfits for modeling. That didn't last long. Tried many other crafts along the way, nothing held my interest. Back to sewing again, this time clothes for me. Along the way gifts, home decor stuff and baby gifts. Then I had a lull in sewing until I retired. Never tried quilting, so I took a class (you know the basic Tip Around the World) and off I went on a quilting spree. After a lot of squares, rectangles, half sq. triangles, rulers, templates and books, I discovered that I really wanted to create art. I wanted to do something different. So I searched around again with books, classes, quilting shows and played with a lot of different methods. I thought, you want to do something creative, but whoever said I was an artist and did I have the creativity to do this? Well I found the gentleman that said "yes" you can.

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